Time Required:1hr – 2hrs

Step 1 Assembling the V-wheels Set

Prepare The Following Parts:
20×20 cm heated bed acrylic seat1
Solid V-wheels kit4
M5x30mm hex screws4
M5 standard nut4
M5 Eccentric nut2
M5x6mm spacers2
M5x12mm spacers2

Insert one solid V-wheel, one M5x6mm spacer, one M5 eccentric nut into the M5x30mm screw as shown in the pictures. Repeat that step one more time to assemble a second set.

Now, insert one solid V-wheel, one M5x12mm standard spacer into the M5x30mm screw as shown in the pictures. Repeat that step one more time to assemble a second set.

We will use these four sets to install the heated-bed seat on the y-axis aluminum profile.

Step 2 Installing The V-wheel Sets to the Heated Bed Acrylic Seat

Prepare The Following Parts:
Heated Bed Acrylic Seat1
Solid V-wheels Sets4
M5 standard nut4

Insert the two sets that contain the Eccentric nuts into the heated bed acrylic seat as shown in the picture. and fix them on the heated bed acrylic seat using two M5 standard nuts.

Then insert the other two sets that contain the M5x12mm spacers into the heated bed acrylic seat as shown in the picture. Fix them on the acrylic heated bed seat using two M5 standard nuts.

Make sure that the two sets that have eccentric nuts are installed together on one side either the right or left side of the heated-bed seat. It does not matter. The eccentric nuts allow you to adjust the tension of your V-wheels. The general is to tension the wheel against the rail enough to initiate contact, but not too much to cause them to crush.

Step 3  Installing the y-axis heated-bed seat

Prepare The Following Parts:
20x20cm assembled heated bed seat1

Gently slide the 20x20xm heated-bed acrylic seat to the y-axis aluminum profile.

You should now be able to slide the heated bed acrylic seat back and forth smoothly on the Y-axis aluminium profile. If you feel that there is any sort of a wobble on the bed or you feel that the grip between the solid V-wheels and the Y-axis aluminium profile is lose. you can rotate the two eccentric nuts of the solid v-wheels to adjust the grip between the solid v-wheels and the Y-axis aluminum profile until you get rid of any kind of wobble.

When you rotat these eccentric nuts they will move the wheels closer to the aluminium profile or away from the aluminium profile. don’t rotate the eccentric nuts all the way because that will cause the wheels to deform. Just rotate the eccentric nuts until you get rid of any wobble.

Step 4  Installing the y-axis heated-bed seat

Prepare The Following Parts:
M5x12mm hex screw4
M5 T-nuts4
Idler pulley 3d-printed holder part1

First, you need to insert four t-nuts into the y-axis aluminium profile front face as shown in the pictures.

Then, gently slide the idler pulley 3d-printed holder part into the aluminium profile until the four holes of the idler pulley 3d-printed holder part meet the four t-nuts. Make sure that they are all aligned.

Fix the idler pulley 3d-printed holder part with four M5x12mm screws.

Step 5  Installing the y-axis idler pulley

Prepare The Following Parts:
M5x55mm hex screw1
M5 acorn nut1
M5x16mm spacers2
Idler pulley1

Install the M5x55mm hex screw along with two M5x16mm spacers and the idler pulley. You can refer to the images to see the proper order of this set assembly.

Use one M5 acorn nut to fix the M5x55mm in place

Now, you have an assembled y-axis idler pulley set.

Step 5  Assembling the Y-axis motor acrylic plate

Prepare The Following Parts:
M5 T-nut2
M5x12mm hex screws2
Y-axis stepper motor acrylic plate1

Insert two T-nuts into the aluminium profile back side as shown in the pictures.

Secure the Y-axis stepper motor plate on the aluminium profile using two M5x12mm hex screws.

Step 6  Assembling the Y-axis ideller pulley

Prepare The Following Parts:
M5x35mm hex screw1
M5x16mm spacer1
idler pulley1
M5 acorn nut1

Install the M5x35mm hex screw along with one M5x16mm spacer, the idler pulley, and one M5 acorn nut. Refer to the pictures to see the proper arrangement.

make sure to not fully tighten the M5 acorn nut. You need to leave it a little bit loose to allow the pulley holder to rotate freely.

Step 7  Assembling the Y-axis stepper motor

Prepare The Following Parts:
NEMA17 stepper motor1
M3x12mm screws.4
GT2 5mm bore 20-teeth pulley1

install the Y-axis stepper motor on the Y-axis acrylic part and make sure the cable connector of the motor is oriented to the inside of the machine. Then, secure the motor with four M3x12mm screws.

There is a flat part on the stepper motor shaft, rotate it similarly to the first picture. See the direction of the arrows.

One of the GT2 pulley screws must be facing directly against the pad (flat part) on the motor shaft. Slightly tighten the GT2 pulley first screw. Turn the shaft and slightly tighten the second screw.

Ensure you have the correct orientation of the pulley on the shaft. It can be placed both ways, but only one is correct.
Make sure to make the pulley perfectly aligned with the aluminium profile groove as seen on the last picture.

Step 8  Assembling the Y-axis end-stop holder

Prepare The Following Parts:
end-stop 3d-printed holder part1
M5 T-nut2
M5x10mm hex screws2

Insert two T-nuts into the aluminium profile back side as shown in the pictures.

Secure the end-stop 3d-printed holder part on the Y-axis aluminium profile using two M5x10mm hex screws.

Step 9  Assembling the Y-axis end-stop

Prepare The Following Parts:
Mechanical end-stop1
M3 standart nut2
M3x10mm hex screws2

Insert two M3 standard nuts inside the end-stop holder part.

Always make sure that all M3 nuts are inserted all the way down into the holes. You may need to apply some force on the nuts to fully insert them inside the 3d-printed part. Use the Allen key to push the nuts fully inside.

Place the mechanical endstop on the top of the 3d-printed part with the same orientation shown in the pictures. Then secure the endstop on the 3d-printed part using two M3x10mm screws.

Make sure that the mechanical end-stop switch is perfectly aligned with the acrylic Heated bed seat

Step 10  Checkpoint

Now, you should have a fully assembled Y-axis.


junky Egyptian hardcore maker passionate about making some cool electronics random stuff, software and meme addict.

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