Time Required:30mins – 1hr

Step 1 Prepare the base Aluminum extrusions

Prepare The Following Parts:
2040 Aluminium extrusion(640mm)2
2040 Aluminium extrusion(420mm)1
Slide-in M5 T-nuts8

Get two 2040 Aluminum profiles. the length of each profile is 640mm. insert the four slide-in T-nuts into the top of the Aluminum extrusions as shown in the picture.

Make sure that the length of each aluminum extrusion is 640mm and the cut of the extrusion end is 90 degree with no slope or rough areas(clean cut).

It should look like that after inserting the two slide-in T-nuts.

Now, get one 2040 Aluminum profile. the length of the profile is 420mm. insert the four slide-in T-nuts into the Aluminum extrusions as shown in the picture.


junky Egyptian hardcore maker passionate about making some cool electronics random stuff, software and meme addict.

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